Luciana Terceiro

UX & User Research

UI Design Program – CareerFoundry


⇠ Academic background

During the period between September 2019 and February 2020, I did the UI Design Program at Career Foundry. My main goal was to hone my UI skills.

For the complete projects, please access my CareerFoundry‘s portfolio.



Winvest is a platform that aims to help women of all ages to have a conscious relationship with their money.  Finance management can be the factor that allows women to be independent and owners of their own choices.

Winvest is designed to be colour and joyful, as taking care of money doesn’t need to be a painful task. Its interface is clean and easy to use, showing that its focus is managing finance without losing time. 

Check the style guide and visuals.


Typr is a messenger for people that value friends and good conversations. Check the project in my CareerFoundry portfolio.


Find your tribe and learn together. Check the project in my CareerFoundry portfolio.


A minimalist app to organise your notes. Check the project in my CareerFoundry portfolio.


Food is an extremely important part of our lives. Our meals should be healthy; with different and various ingredients – but still easy to cook and not expensive – at least on regular days. But when reality knocks on our door, we find ourselves with no ingredients in the fridge, no energy to cook and no ideas about what to do.

Many apps promise to help and solve this daily challenge but still, despite good intentions, they don’t solve the main problems about organisation, planning and time in a realistic way.

The challenge here is to find the balance of the necessary services, enough to help but not that much to confuse as seasonings, not that much and not that little.

Check the flows and wireframes and the visuals in my CareerFoundry portfolio.


Re.Fashion is a marketplace focused on a circular economy that aims to encourage a conscious relation with fashion. A platform where people can sell and buy second-hand clothes,  receive points and discounts and will be informed of the resources they are saving.  

Check the project in my CareerFoundry portfolio.

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⇠ Academic background